Implementing the Botvin LifeSkills Training program: Finding Solutions to Common Challenges



In this session, participants will be given tips on how to make the implementation of the Botvin LifeSkills Training program a more rewarding and beneficial experience for both students and educators. Participants will receive tips on creating student buy-in, increasing student engagement, and will be given specific strategies that Utah educators have successfully applied in their classrooms.



Clarissa Stebbing

Clarissa is a Prevention Specialist for the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) where her work is primarily focused on substance use prevention. Prior to joining USBE, she spent 11 years working at a non-profit organization where she coordinated community and school-based mentoring programs. She also has experience working at a substance use disorder treatment center for adolescents. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) and her passion for health and wellness led her to graduate school at the University of Utah where she received her M.S. in Health Promotion and Education. She loves traveling, hiking, yoga, and going out to eat with family and friends.