What the Health is PCBL???


 If you're wondering "what is PCBL?", then you might also be thinking "How do we develop Mastery, Autonomy and Purpose in our students today so they will meet the competencies and expectations set forth in Utah's Portrait of A Graduate? "  And even if you aren’t,  you really like this session because we will have fun examining the PCBL Framework to identify the mechanisms for creating a learner-centered educational system that supports learner agency, demonstrated competency and assessment, customized supports, social and emotional wellness, and a culture of learning.




Michael Hakkarinen


Michael Hakkarinen is the PCBL (Personalized Competency Based Learning) Specialist with the Digital Teaching and Learning team at the Utah State Board of Education.  Originally an elementary school classroom teacher, Michael has also been a technology resources teacher, EdTech Specialist, and ISTE Certified Educator with the Utah Education Network's Professional Development Team.  When he isn’t trying to keep up with emails or trying to break new educational technology tools, you can find Michael with his family somewhere in the mountains of Utah backcountry skiing, hiking, mountain biking, or trying to find a place with absolutely no cell phone reception.