TIPS and TRICKS to Hit the Core EVERY time!





Kodi Soto


Kodi Soto has 15+ years experience teaching PE & Health for K-12 students in the public & private school setting.  She has a Physical Education K-12 Teaching Degree from the University of Wyoming. She has taught in Colorado, Georgia, Tennessee & Utah. She has coached Volleyball, Basketball, Softball, Track, Cheerleading & Drill.  She loves all PE things because 1, it was her favorite class all through school and 2, she loved sports so much she played as many as she could. She was a State Champion in Volleyball and Track but used her gymnastics and dance skills to be awarded a Division 1 Cheerleader scholarship at the University of Wyoming. She uses this energy & athletic background in the perfect job for her being a PE teacher. She has taught at all levels but currently is loving K-6 Elementary. She has a unique skill of breaking down Big Curriculum to easy, relatable & simple bite size chunks. She is currently on the Alpine School District PE leadership Team.

Cecilia Carter


Cecilia began her teaching career 26 years ago in the elementary classroom. After 6 years, she took a K-6 PE position and hasn’t looked back. “In elementary PE, we have the incredible and unique opportunity to teach knowledge, skills, and dispositions to young students over a period of up to seven years! It makes my heart glow to help students courageously contribute to their own growth and to the growth of their peers.” Recently, Cecilia had the privilege of developing the first Elementary PE Leadership Team in Alpine School District. She is thrilled to represent, promote, and strengthen ASD’s elementary PE programs.