Spread Love Its The Brooklyn Way!!! - How to build and sustain a culture of love for your students, athletes and teachers to help change lives.



Spread Love It’s The Brooklyn Way!!!

How to build and sustain a culture of love for your students, athletes and teachers to help change lives. 

In this breakout session we will discuss the 6 ways (SCHAPE) we can help ourselves and students share love to overcome the mental challenges we face as teachers and students. After a global health pandemic, teachers and students are facing an even bigger challenge that many still are ignoring: The Mental Health Pandemic. It’s said that 72% of youth will experience a traumatizing experience before the age of 18. Research also shows that 50% of teachers want to leave the profession due to the amount of responsibility placed upon them causing mental health issues. The reality is, 100% of our school employees, leaders, educators and students in our country faced a catastrophic traumatizing event due to Covid-19. We can’t turn a blind eye to the fact that mental health is the starting point for healing in the education system. The rate of mental illnesses is rising for students. More teachers are becoming exhausted from dealing with students and their own life traumas. We need more “Love” now more than ever.




Khalil Sikander


After being diagnosed in 2019 with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) due to his childhood and adult trauma, Khalil knows mental anguish. Khalil has battled this demon and searched for the missing piece to all of his traumatizing experiences: The conculsion: "Love". His inspiration came from the song "Juicy" by the great Notorious B.I.G. The lyrics "Spread Love it's the Brooklyn Way" replayed in his mind remembering his childhood in Brooklyn, NY while enduring the darkest moment in his life in 2019. Khalil a current educator and coach with 17 years of experience, former teacher and coach of the year turned speaker and author, speaks on how acts of love saved his life and how we can do the same for students and teachers.